Some of the important writing skills to be prepared for 2020 Madhyamik Exam



1.Your best friend or, Friendship                                              8.Dangers of plastic
2.Usefulness of exercise / morning walk /games and sport     9.A book you recently read.         
3.Computer / Mobile                                                                10.Yoir aim in life  4.Visit to a place of historical importance in any state
or, a short tour / picnic                                                             11.Journey by train / Bus 5.Usefulness of growing more trees                                        12.A fair or festival you enjoyed
6.Your parents or,        Your Favourite Person                               13.Memorable day in your life       7.Your favourite teacher                                          



1.Write a letter to your cousin about a family get together or about any programme. 
2 write a letter to your friend about yourself / family
3.write a letter to your friend about the benefits of early morning exercise /Visit to a library
4 write a letter to your friend about your visit to a fair / book fair       
5.write a letter to your friend about your plan after the madhyamik exam. 
6.write a letter to your friend about an unforgettable incident. 
7. write a letter to your friend inviting him to your home ( after the exam / to your birthday party / to the marriage ceremony of your uncle) 



1.Write a letter to the headmaster of your school requesting him for a leave of absence. 
2.Write a letter to the headmaster of your school requesting him to add more reference books in the school library. 
3.Write a letter to the headmaster of your school requesting himfor a permission to arrange a tree plantation programme. 



1.About any function in your school.                            5. Tropical cyclone 
2.Road accident                                                            6. About flood
3.Honesty of a taxy driver                                             7.Boat Capsize 
4.about a girl avoiding her untimely marriage



1.Building construction             5 Flower garden making           
2.Magazine publication            6.Preparation of bread
3.Paper making                        7.Preparation of tea
4.washimg clothes                    8.Preparation of mustard oil



2.Mahatma Gandhi
3.Annie Besant 

Removing the Englishphobia

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