Grammar for Pratice

1.He covered the ball tightly with his fingers and allowed  her allow to see it through a little gap. ( make it simple) 
2.Leela clapped her hands and screamed in delight. ( make it simple) 
3.Day by day she clung closer to him. (make it complex) 
4.She flung the ball at him and he flung it back. (make it complex) 
5.He stopped near the well and pointed up. (make it simple.)
6.She insisted upon having his company all her waking hours. (complex sentence) 
7.Ahe took it to the tap and washed its coating. (make it simple) 
8.The mirror was obviously made in India. ( complex) 
9.She wore a dirty white saree with red border. ( complex) 
10.These days all trains are crowed but you will get a place in the Zenana. (complex)
11.Lady Lal picked up her brass tiffin carrier and ambled along behind him. (simple

1.I don't know him. He lives near the market. 
2.  I like him. Don't send him away. 
3.  Now come with me. I will show you something nice. 
4.  After dinner Leela ran to her bed. Sidda had to be ready with a story. 
5.  She asked him about the chain. His throat went dry. 
6.Her mind was disturbed. The thought of Sidda made her panicky. 
7.Mr. Sivasanker carried Leela back into the room. Leela was in tears. 
8.The police know his haunts. They will pick him up very soon. 
9. A gurd came to the prison shoe shop. Jimmy Valentine was stitching uppers. 

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