Character of Chubukov

 Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is one of the three characters in Anton Chekhov's one act play 'The Proposal'. He is a typical country landowner who is only concerned with profit ; be that property or the marriage of his only daughter. While speaking he is highly polite at the beginning but don't take much time to be rude when somebody opposes him. It is evident when he argues with Lomov first on Oxen meadows, and then on their dogs. He is highly concerned about his daughter's marriage and so becomes happy when Lomov, another landowner, comes for his daughter's hand. Here too he finds profit and social security rather than the union of the two souls. So, Chubukov is an astute businessman who keeps at heart the interest of property and his daughter. 

Character of Lomov 

 Lomov is one of the three characters in Anton Chekhov one act play 'The Proposal'. He is an unmarried man of 35. So he is anxious to get married. Physically he was ill, and was suffering from a number of ailments. Tgse holds up him in comic light. He places wealth and his possessions over everything.So when he comes to Natalya, he quarrelled over trifles,like Oxen meadows, and pet dogs. To him marriage is a necessity,rather than the union of the two souls. He is highly obsessed with concerns for his ailments and principles of ownership. He is a funny character too when he becomes anxious. So this landowner is a perfect opposite of Chubukov, another landowner and the father  of Natalya. 

Character of Natalya 

         Natalya Stepanova is one of the three characters in Anton Chekhov 's one act play' The
Proposal '. To Lomov she is "an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, and well educated." She reveals a kindred obsession about property ownership. Chekhov presents her as a highly sentimental girl who can quarrel a good deal if things turn against her. She has an immense acquisitive greed. When Natalya exclaims," worse! worse! worse! " she shows greater tendency for argument than for acceptance of the merit of a romantic proposal. Throughout the play she represents class attitudes rather than a full-grown personality. 

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