Grammar Practice


     Sidda said, "He doesn't seem to me worse than the others we have had."  Then she said, "No throw the ball into the sky."      "What is in the sky, Sidda?" Leela asked.           "Have you done it?" asked Leela. 
     Lady Lal said, "No, I am with my master." 
     The poet said, "A wind came up our of the sea." 


     Make room for me. 
     I gain the cove with the pushing prow. 
     His company made her supremely happy. 
     Did you put it in? 
     Stop cracking safes. 
     He wouldn't be allowed to sleep inside the house. 
     I will have a new chain. 
Joining of Sentences.  
     Mr. sivasanker was unable to make up his mind. He called his wife. 
     He went to the cafe of one Mike Dol.He shook hands with Mike.
     The warden gave him a cigar.He shook hands. 
     Jimmy went to the planters hotel. He registered his name. 
     She died. She had smile on his face. 
     I saw the man. He is coming towards me. 

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