A mountain and a squirrel were quarrelling. The mountain labelled the squirrel as a self righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others (Prig). And then the squirrel (bun) replied that the mountain may be big but he should remember that all types of things and all kinds of weather are needed to form a year and a sphere. the squirrel also confessed that he is not at all ashamed to be ​in his place/ himself. ​He said that he is not as large as the mountain and stressed that the mountain is also not as small and spry as him. It is also undeniable that the mountain make a pretty squirrel track which the squirrel can not. Thus the squirrel draws on to a conclusion that talent differs and everything is right and is rightly established in their places. If a squirrel can not carry forests on its back, a mountain also can not crack a nut like the squirrel. 

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