Some Qutoes For Growth Your Writing Skil

Your Favourite Person

"A truly good and wise man will bear all kinds of fortune in a seemly way,               and will always act in the noblest manner that the circumstances allow." 
Whenever I read these lines of Aristotle I always think of my dad,and he is my favourite person….  ….  ………… 

My Hobby

                                                   "Happy is the man who is living by his hobby."  
                                                                  -G. B. Shaw
The above quoted line by G. B. Shaw Cleary speaks to us the importance of hobbies in our lives. My Hobby is… ……….

Value of Games and Sports

" All work and no play does not just make Jill and Jack dull, it kills the potential of  discovery, mastery and openness to change. it hinders innovation and invention" 
                                                             -Jolime Godfrey
So, the value of games and sports in a student's life is, no doubt, very high………………….

Favpurite Season

"Nature gives to every season unique beauty;... it's just a succession of                 changes so soft that we hardly notice the progress" 
                                                                 - - - Charles Dickens 
Truly, each season is appealing in different ways, yet I love (name if the season)..................   

 My School

" He who opens a  school door closes a prison" 
                                                                                                        -     Victor Hugo
I feel the same as Victor Hugo once said when I come to my school. The name of my school is……………. 

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